Wendy Terwelp is president of Opportunity Knocks™ of Wisconsin, LLC and author of the Rock Your Network® series. Dubbed a “LinkedIn Guru,” by the Washington Post, Terwelp works with organizations who are ready to take their employees to the next level with the right personal brand, networking strategies and online activities… to not only close more deals and attract more clients, but prepare high potential, emerging leaders for the roles you have to fill. Her consulting services, speaking engagements, and workshops serve audiences worldwide through conferences, associations, and corporate engagements.
Terwelp’s private coaching clients regularly win raises, promotions, and jobs. Want to be a rock star at work? Schedule a session to discuss your career, goals, and next steps.
She is quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Fast Company, Inc., The Chicago Tribune, The Business Journal, More Magazine, Monster.com, Careerbuilder.com, NBC, ABC, FOX, radio, and other media. She served on the Association for Talent Development / ATD (formerly ASTD) Program Advisory Committee and authored the ATD Infoline “Jumpstart Your Job Search and Get Hired Faster” featured in ATD’s “2014 Best on Career Development” anthology.
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